Spotlight on the Glorious Camellias

Spotlight on the Glorious Camellias

Camellias are spectacular autumn and spring flowering shrubs with handsome, glossy evergreen foliage, creating an excellent foil for the showy flowers. In addition to their ornamental display, they are surprisingly hardy and require little maintenance.

When Camellias first came to Britain, it was assumed that they would require the protection of a glasshouse for such showy plants. The first Camellias were grown in glasshouses at Kew Gardens and when these glasshouses were destroyed in a winter storm, the plants were left unprotected. Rather than succumb to the cold weather, the Camellias flourished and proved their hardiness.
Camellias relish light shade and are brilliant for gracing a north-facing wall that is generally too shady for roses and Clematis. The colour of the flowers can range from bright red to pure white and both single and double flowered varieties are available. Camellia sasanqua starts flowering in late autumn and Camellia japonica and Camellia x williamsii start blooming in early spring. Camellias are great plants for growing in pots but as they require an acidic soil, use an ericaceous compost for best results. The pruning requirement of Camellias is minimal, if necessary, prune lightly after flowering in spring.
Feeding is best carried out after flowering; it is more important for plants grown in pots than in soil. Sprinkle an ericaceous fertiliser on the soil or compost at the base of the plant to promote healthy new growth and flowers for the next season.
Camellias come from the Himalayas' foothills and must be kept moist to prevent drought. Water potted plants copiously in summer and mulch plants in the borders in spring to conserve soil moisture.
Camellias are remarkably trouble-free in terms of pests and diseases; occasionally, plants may be affected by the Cushion Scale, which is most noticeable by black deposits or 'sooty moulds' on the foliage. The scale insects can be seen on the undersides of leaves. Small pest populations can be tolerated; larger ones can be treated with SB Plant Invigorator. We sell this environmentally friendly insecticide, which has a wide range of applications in the garden.