Focus on Forsythia

Focus on Forsythia

Forsythias remain popular garden shrubs and can bring welcome colour to a garden to welcome the advent of spring. The yellow bell-shaped flowers clothe the branches and associate well with early flowering bulbs such as crocus. Forsythia is a generally undemanding plant and can thrive in most soils, provided they are not excessively wet or dry. The plant grows and flowers best in a sunny site but tolerates semi-sh shade. The deep shade will inhibit flowering. Forsythia is largely pest and disease-free and is an excellent choice for novice gardeners.
Taller growing varieties of Forsythia, such as ‘Lynwood’, can be kept in check by a light pruning immediately after flowering. Cut out a few old stems close to the base, but avoid the temptation to over-prune, as this can encourage excessive growth at the expense of flowering. If space is a premium, choose a compact variety which will not swamp neighbouring plants.
In addition to being a reliable border shrub, Forsythia can be used to make a colourful flowering hedge. Please bear in mind that this shrub is not evergreen, but its dense growth can provide privacy.
Forsythia stems can be cut when in tight buds and, if placed in a vase of water, will open up indoors and bring cheer indoors as well as in the garden.