Preparing for the Growing Season Ahead
As the nights are starting to lengthen and Spring is in sight, now is the time to get ahead, stocking up that shed with everything you need for your garden this Spring. Composts, tools feeds, and more, we have it all in-store ready for you.
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Clearing and Cleanining.
Whilst most pruning has been done in the winter, some plants benefit from pruning when the first buds are just visible. The most common of these are the fuschias, where last year's growth should be pruned back to two buds from the main stems. There is still time to do a final pruning of fruit trees. We have a wide range of tools in-store with an online selection for all those cutting, trimming, and pruning jobs. Darlac is the favourite brand of our Resident Plant Expert, Chris Whitelock, who enjoys its durability and price point! We also stock a wide selection from Kent and Stowe, plus the National Trust range from Burgon and Ball.
With the plants and ground now clear, February is the time to think about getting that nutrition into the garden and putting up the first line of defence against weeds. If you have a new plot, you will be testing your soil to ensure you choose the right plants for your soil type. No matter how familiar you are with your plot, now is the time to get stocked up on compost and feeds. We have a wide range of composts in stock to boost the health of all soil types. We have soil nutrition tailored for all plant and soil types, including Ericaceous, Peat-free, Tree and Shrub, or General Purpose.
If you have a veg patch, you will know that now is the time to set aside space in your shed for chitting your first and second early potatoes.
We have a wide range of seed potatoes on line with an even more extensive selection instore.
Finally, remember, your feathered friends! You have helped them through the winter, and now they need your support in Spring. A tidy garden looks pleasing to the eye but often doesn't offer much protection for nesting birds. With our selection of bird tables, bird houses and nesting boxes we can help make your garden a wild bird haven this Spring.